How to connect printers and scales

10 Minute Read


FreightPOP offers a connector that allows users to connect their local printers and scales to their FreightPOP account. This will allow labels and documents that print from FreightPOP to automatically go to their designated printers. The scales connection allows the weight on the sales to automatically be passed into FreightPOP during the quoting or shipping process. 

1. Got to Settings and select User Profile.

2. Click on “Download FreightPOP Connector” link.

*Note* The same link is used for the scales so no need to download the scales connector

3. Click "Install" once you see the below screen pop up.

4. Open the file Setup execute file that was downloaded to the bottom right of your browser.

5. Click on the “More Info” link inside the blue popup.

6. Select the “Run anyway” button on the setup window. See below.

The system will go through the set-up process and, when completed, you will see the alert below. This is asking for you to enter the FreightPOP credentials of the user that will be using the printers in the “Update User” button.

7. Enter your FreightPOP credentials into the fields.

8. Click on the “Connect”  to ensure FreightPOP has connected your local printers.

  (note: the connector will only pick up printers that are already communicating with the PC. For assistance with         initial printer to PC setup, please contact your IT department.) 

You should see a message that says “Connection has been made successfully. User Verified” if the credentials are correct. See below.

9. Go back into your FreightPOP user profile page and refresh the page by clicking on the refresh Icon on the top left hand of your browser as shown below.

10. Go to Settings > User profile and select the drop-down list in Printer Preferences. You should be able to select the printer you just added.

11. Once you have selected what labels and documents go to what printers, and you’ve selected the scale you want to connect, you will need to click on the “Enable Printers Preferences” and “Enable Calculating Weight from Scale” check boxes as shown below.

*Note* If you have selected a scale, you will need to go back into the connector and click on the “Connect Scale” for the process to finish.

12. Do not “X” out of the connector. You must keep it open to ensure the labels and documents will print directly to the printers. Just minimize the connector as shown below. Once your connector is minimized, you’ll notice that it doesn’t display on your taskbar where you might find a minimized webpage or Excel spreadsheet. Instead, when the connector is minimized, it goes to your hidden icons folder located next to the date and time on your screen.

Since the connector must be opened in order for the labels and documents to print properly and scales to work, if your system restarts, the connector will automatically open when the bootup process has been completed.