How to manage carrier claims

5 Minute Read

You can add a new claim to be managed via FreightPOP in two different ways. But first make sure your admin has given you access to the Claims window. This can be done for each user in the user manager window.

1. Go to the HISTORY module at the top of your screen.

2. Simply search for your shipment by “FROM DATE”.


4. Select “FILE CLAIM”.  The system will take you to the Claims Management window with all information auto populated.

Another way you can add a new claim is to go directly to the claims management section by going to the setting menu and clicking on the “Claims” menu item from SETTINGS

1. Select " NEW CLAIM"

2. Fill out required information. 

*Note* If you do it this way, you may need to populate more details that would otherwise be auto populated. But if your shipment did not ship via FreightPOP, this is the best option to add the claim.

3. Click "SAVE CLAIM"

You will be able to see your open claims in the main tab on the CLAIMS MANAGEMENT page. This main report contains details on all open claims.

You can edit claims and upload documents that may later be needed.

You can also add notes which will include date stamps so you can follow events.

A user can be assigned to the claim in the Claims Detail

*Note* The user will need to update the claim periodically. If no updated have been made in 5 days, the use will receive an email letting them know that the claim remains open.

Claims will go to the history tab once the claim status has been changed from “Open Claim” to either “Denied” or “Resolved.”