How to connect to QuickBooks Enterprise or Desktop

For plans that allow connecting to your QuickBooks Enterprise or Desktop, FreightPOP has made very easy.

Connecting to your QuickBooks allows the transfer of information from QuickBooks to FreightPOP and back from FreightPOP to QuickBooks. This was developed according to the standards and specification provided by Intuit who is the company that makes QuickBooks products. The connection is done using Intuit Web Connector. The QuickBooks Web Connector (QBWC) is a Microsoft Windows application that that enables specially designed web services (web-based applications) to exchange data with QuickBooks desktop products (QuickBooks Financial Software and QuickBooks Point of Sale). Before you can connect FreightPOP to your QuickBooks you will need to have the Web Connector installed.

Installation instructions can be found below.



Download the QuickBooks Web Connector (If you currently do not have the QBWC already downloaded.)

             1. To download QuickBooks Web Connector for your Windows desktop computer, visit the official Intuit download page ( ).

             2. There, make sure you see your version of QuickBooks Desktop under the Web Connector version heading; you will need to select the correct version of Web Connector that works with your version of      QuickBooks Desktop.

             3. To find out which version you have installed, go to .INSTALLATION NOTE: The Web Connector is designed to access only one company file on a Windows desktop computer. Therefore, your team should only download and install the QuickBooks Web Connector on the computer or server where your copy of QuickBooks Desktop is installed.


  • How to Configure the Web Connector 

     1.  For new QuickBooks Desktop integrations, access the Integrations page in FreightPOP and click the Add QuickBooks PRO/Premier/Enterprise button. This will allow you to configure the QuickBooks Web Connector.

     2.  Next, Enter the credentials for a user and configure how you want to use QuickBooks. We provide a few ways to ensure your workflow can also work. See various configurations to set below.

  • QuickBooks Type: This allows you to chose if you want FreightPOP to access and write back shipping info to Orders, Invoices or Sales Receipts. Chose what best suits your current process.
  • Next chose where you want FreightPOP to send data back to when the shipping process has been completed. Note that if the carriers have been mapped via our mapping page, the “Ship Via” field will be updated with the carrier name. For additional information that can be passed back to QuickBooks from FreightPOP, you have the choices below you can choose from:
    • Send the carrier name + service + Tracking + Cost to the Memo field.
    • Send the carrier name + service + Tracking + Cost to the last line description where items are listed.
    • You can send just the tracking info back to a custom field.
    • You can send the cost back to a custom field.
  • Once you have configured the settings, when you click on “Save” a configuration file will auto download to your computer.

        3. Once you have saved the FreightPOP configuration file to your PC or server, open it. Opening this file will automatically open the previously installed Web Connector and connect it to FreightPOP. Make sure that the FreightPOP file is selected in the Web Connector's main view.

        4.  Set the connection password in the Web Connector. This is a user name and password from your FreightPOP account. Make sure you also have the Auto Run Checked off and the time intervals set to 10 minutes. The way the connector works is that based on the time intervals set, it opens the connection so systems can sync data every XXX number of minutes. 10 minutes seems to be a good setting. This means that any new orders will not show up in FreightPOP until the next time the connection open so there may be a 10-minute delay if you enter a new order and try to see it in FreightPOP. This also means that any shipment data will be sitting in a queue waiting to update QuickBooks when the connection opens again.

       5.  Click the Update Selected button in the Web Connector. When this button is clicked for the first time, it runs a behind-the-scenes conversion process on your current Web Connector QuickBooks Database mappings.

  • Congratulations! Your FreightPOP to Web Connector integration setup is complete.