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How to send Spot Quotes to Carriers


5 Minute Read






1. After clicking Get Rates, select the green button labeled “SPOT QUOTE



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2. Select the carrier from the drop-down list or choose a Spot Quote Group if set up.



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3. Click "SEND". 


FreightPOP will send an email to each carrier with the shipment details. In the email will also be instructions for the carrier on how to reply with the rate quote

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Once the carrier submits the rate quote, you will get an email that includes the rate provided and you will also receive a notification in your alert center in FreightPOP.


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You can identify shipments that have been spot quoted by viewing your recent quotes in your Quote Window or from the Dashboard in the upper left of the screen.

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Spot quotes can be identified by a blue or red dot below the Spot Quote Rates column. If there is no dot then it was not a SPOT QUOTE request.

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When you click into the quote you will see all the rates you may have gotten originally plus the rates from any spot quote requests. The spot quoted rates can be identified by a mail icon on the right side. If a carrier has not replied yet, the rates will be blank. If a carrier replies via email to you directly, you can add the rate by clicking on the “EDIT” button to the side of the spot quote. 


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If the spot quoted rate was received in under 24hrs the “Ship It” button will be available to click. If over 24hrs, the “Refresh Rates” button will need to be clicked and the “Ship It” button will appear again to complete the shipment.