How to map your carriers and freight payment terms for integration

10-15 Minute Read

When there is integration between FreightPOP and a customer’s ERP or WMS, the carriers and freight payment terms need to be mapped to ensure the information imports properly from the customer’s system into FreightPOP. If carriers and payment terms are not mapped, the carrier, service and freight payment terms on an order may not come through properly into FreightPOP. Also, the same data may not export correctly to the customer’s system if not mapped properly.

Once the integration/connection to the ERP, WMS or any other system has been completed, the mapping can be accessed based on the type of system. 

1. For on premise systems that required the FreightPOP connection service agent, the mapping can be found in the Settings menu under “Mappings”. 

*Note* For all other connections offered, the mapping can be found by going to the Integrations page on the setting menu. Then clicking on the sprocket icon on the right of your registered connection. See example below.

2. Once you are in the mapping window you will see 2 sections. One will be for mapping the freight payment terms and the other will be for the carriers and services mapping.

  • Freight Payment Mapping: First you will need to identify what field in your system FreightPOP is using for the payment terms. Most systems only have one but to make sure ask your FreightPOP Rep. Once you know what field FreightPOP is using, then you will know what values you use for that. There are 3 fields you can populate.
    • If the freight or shipping charges are being paid by your company, populate the value in the field labeled as “Sender”. Some common values we have seen are Prepaid, Sender, Shipper, and other various codes.
    • If the freight or shipping charges are being paid by the consignee, populate the value in the field labeled as “Recipient”. Some common values we have seen are Collect, Recipient, Customer, and other various codes.
    • If the freight or shipping charges are being paid by a third-party account, populate the value in the field labeled as “3rd Party”. Some common values we have seen are Third Party, 3rd Party and other various codes.

                    *Note*  that you can only add one value and it must match the value used by your company for the information to map properly.

Carrier and Service Mapping

First you will need to identify what field or fields in your system FreightPOP is using for the carrier and service. Some systems have one field that identify the carrier and service to be used. Other systems have two fields. One used for the carrier and the other for the service level. But in either case, make sure to ask your FreightPOP Rep what field or fields your system uses. Once you know what field or fields FreightPOP is using, then you will know what values to populate. There are 4 fields you can populate to map one carrier and service.

1. If your system uses a single field to identify the carrier and service together, you will need to add that value in the “API Carrier” field, you will leave the API service field empty and you will use the FreightPOP Carrier field to identify the carrier for that value and the Freight Carrier Service of the service level for that vale. 

Example: Carrier and service value in customer system may be “A21”, that be equal UPS Ground. The user would add the A21 to the API field, leave the API Service field empty because the customer system only uses one field, then the user would choose UPS from the FreightPOP Carrier field and Ground from the service field.


2. If your system uses two fields to identify the carrier and service, you will need to add the carrier value in the “API Carrier” field, and add the service in the API service field. You will use the FreightPOP Carrier field to identify the carrier for that value and the Freight Carrier Service of the service level for that vale. 

Example: Carrier value in customer system may be “USPS”, and service may be Prty meaning Priority. The user would add the USPS to the API field, and the Prty to the API Service field. Then the user would choose USPS Endicia from the FreightPOP Carrier field and Priority Mail from the service field.

3. Once those fields are populated, the user needs to click on the “Add Item” icon to the left. This is repeated until all carriers and services used are mapped.