How to Add NetSuite to FreightPOP

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You will need the items below from your NetSuite account:

Application ID You will need to regenerate an application ID to provide to FreightPOP

1. Log in as an Admin

2. Go to Set Up menu and click on Integrations from the drop-down then select Manage Integrations

3. Click on "New" to add a new integration.

4. You can assign it any name, however we suggest "FreightPOP"

5. Set the state to "Enabled" and you have the user Credentials and the Token-Based Authentication boxes are checked off at the bottom on the Authentication tab.

6. Click Save and NetSuite will generate the Application ID.

Account #

1. Log in as an Admin

2. Go to Set Up menu and click Integrations from the drop-down and select Web Services Preferences

3. Retrieve Account #

*Note* You will also need your Partner ID. This number is the same as your Account #

Email- This will be the user email that will be used to connect to NetSuite. Make sure the use has access to web services

Password- User password for the email used to connect to NetSuite

Datacenter URL- To find the datacenter url. when you log in if you look at the URL and see if the url contains na1 or na2 on it as shown in the example below.

Order Import Type- This is where you chose the workflow you want to follow. If you use Item Fulfillment when you process and order to ship them leave the default of Item Fulfillment. If you do not use item fulfillment and ship straight from the order change it on the drop-down.

What Cost to Export-  FreightPOP can export your freight cost back to your NetSuite transaction. You have the choice of exporting your discounted cost or the carriers list price.

Add a Mark Up to Add Cost-  Once you decide what cost you want to use you can chose to mark it up by a percentage of flat fee.