Broker Portal- Adding Customers and Mark-Ups


To add new customer portals, got to the Customers page and click “ADD CUSTOMER”.




This is where you would enter in the customer’s company details:

Company Name

Company Address

Credit Limit*not required

Net Terms *not required

Customer ID – This is your internal ID *not required


After you have saved your customer information you will see your new customer in the Customers page. At this point you can edit and assign your carriers with your mark-ups.

Click EDIT



Then select ADD CARRIERS.

*Note* You can allow your customer to add their own carriers on their account if you check off “ALLOW ACCOUNT TO ADD THEIR CARRIERS.



You will see a list of your carriers on the left side and after you select the carrier you want to add to the customer’s account, you can set your mark-up by a flat fee, or percentage.




After you set your mark-up check off the activation box to active the carrier on the customer’s account.