How to set Markups

There are 3 ways you can set markups within FreightPOP.

  • On a user level within User Manager
  • On the customer or carrier & service level within the Address Book
  • On a carrier level for the entire account

To add a markup on a user level, go to User Manager within Settings. Edit the user you want to apply the markup on and enter the markup percentage within the Freight Markup field. This markup with be applies to all quotes and shipments they process.

* Please note that all markups entered on any of these levels will be combined and applied to the ship rate. 


The second markup you can apply is from the Address Book page. After you add a customer to your address book, select “Markup Settings” that is located to the right of the page.


You can select to add the markup on a specific carrier and service, or by that customer in general.


  • If you selected Customer Specific, you can choose either a Flat fee or a percentage.
  • If you select Carrier Specific, you will select the carrier, service, and markup type (flat fee or percentage).
  • Then click add item once done adding all carrier/services click save


Lastly, when you add a markup from the carrier page, these will apply to everyone who is assigned that carrier.

Go to Carrier Manager from Settings and edit the carrier you would like to markup and then select Manage Carrier.


Next, scroll down to Markup and Value. Enter in the type of markup (flat fee or percentage) and enter in the value.