How to connect printers and scales in FreightPOP – Stations Version

FreightPOP offers a connector that allows multiple users to connect their local printers and scales to their FreightPOP account. This will allow labels and documents that print from FreightPOP to automatically go to their designated printers. The scales connection allows the weight on the scales to automatically be passed into FreightPOP during the quoting or shipping process. 

FreightPOP offers two ways of connecting the scales and printers. This handout will outline what we call “Warehouse Stations Printing” This is mostly used when more than one user is printing to the same set of printers or if the printers want to be managed in groups instead of individually. Ask us what process is best suited for your company. 

See step by step instructions on how to connect your printers and scales for use with your account when using the Warehouse Stations Printing process.

•    Once logged into your FreightPOP account, navigate to the Company page form the settings menu and enable the Warehouse Stations Printing feature in the PRINTING tab. 

•    Once that is enabled, you will need to create workstations. To do this click on the EDIT WAREHOUSE STATIONS button. 

•    You will then add a workstation by clicking the ADD WORKSTATION button and giving the station a name and ID. This can be defined by you based on how you manage your printers. At that time our system will generate a Workstation Key that will be used in a step later in the process. 

•    Once a station has been created you can start adding the printers that will be grouped into that workstation. To do this you will need to click on the VIEW PRINTEERS button in the warehouse work stations window.


•    When you are in the Station Printers window you can Add, Edit and Delete printers from the Workstation. When you Add or Edit a printer you will need to give the printer a name and define the printer path that shows on the computer that the printer is connected to. You will need to get the printer name or path from your computer settings. If it’s a local printer it may just have the printer name. If it’s a network printer it will most likely have the entire path. Example:\\Printer_Server\Warehouse1\HPLaser1020. You will also need to define what type of document from FreightPOP will be sent to this printer. You will also need to activate the printer for that station. 

** Note that you can only define one printer for each type of document. **

•    After you set up the stations you will need to download and install our printer connector to a computer that has access to the printers assigned to the workstation. This is how our application forms the cloud that will communicate to the printers that are on your local computers and local network. You can download the connector by logging on to any FreightPOP user and go to the user’s profile page.

•    Once you are in your User Profile page, click on the link to download the FreightPOP connector.  

•    Once you click to download the connector, you will see the screen below. Simply click install to continue. 

•    After clicking Install, you will see the setup execute file download to the bottom right of your browser. You will need to open the file so the set up can start.  

•    Once you click the set up to start you will see a blue window popup. You will need to click on the “More Info” link inside the popup. 

•    Then select the “Run anyway” button on the setup window. See below. 

•    The system will go through the set-up process and, when completed, you will see the alert below. This is asking for you to enter the FreightPOP credentials of the user that will be using the printers in the “Update User” button.  

•    You will need to enter the Workstation Key that was generated by FreightPOP when creating the workstation You do this by clicking Update User and select “WorkStation Login”. 

•    After you enter your FreightPOP key, you will need to click on the “Connect” button to ensure FreightPOP has connected you’re your local printers. 

•    You should see a message that says “Connection has been made successfully. User Verified” if the workstation key is correct. See below. 

•    To add a scale to that workstation, a USB scale will need to eb connected to the computer where the connector is installed. To add the scale, click on the Connect Scale button and chose the scale form the dropdown.


•    Now your Workstation is set up for user to be able to print to it.

•    In order for any user to be able to print directly to the printers assigned to that workstation, the user will need to go into their user profile and enable printing and chose the works station from the dropdown.


•    In order for any user to be able to use the scale assigned to that workstation, the user will need to go into their user profile and enable the scale.


•    After seeing the message, go back into your FreightPOP user profile page and refresh the page by clicking on the refresh Icon on the top left hand of your browser as shown below. 

•    Once the page has been refreshed, you should be able to see your workstation you have created within the drop down list.


•    Once you have selected your workstation within the printer preferences, click Enable Printer Preferences. 


•    Note that the connector must be opened for the labels and documents to print properly and scales to work. If your system restarts, the connector will automatically open when the bootup process has been completed.