Settings: In the company page, under the Freight Invoice Audit tab settings

  • % Variance Allowed For Audit Approval: When an invoice gets into FreightPOP, if the invoice amount is within this % allowed, the system will auto approve the invoice. If not it will not be approved.
  • Invoice Forced Approval Password: When an invoice has a variance but it still needs to be approved, setting this password requires the user to enter before its approved.
  • Weekly Approve Notification: You can set one or multiple users to get an email every Friday with a list of all invoices that were approved in the week.
  • Weekly NOT Approve Notification: You can set one or multiple users to get an email every Friday with a list of all invoices still not approved.
  • Default GL: if you have an export to your ERP to create the AP transaction, this allows you to set the GL account to be used in the AP transaction. If you need more than one, customization is available upon request.
  • Auto Export Approved Invoices: If your ERP has AP Transaction integration with FreightPOP(ask your FreightPOP account manager), check this box off to turn on the service. An additional subscription may apply.
  • Allow Duplicate Invoices: If you check this off, when an EDI invoice comes in, the system will accept it even if you already received that invoice but the system will add a -DUP to the end of the invoice number to be easily identified. Most user want this unchecked.

Adding a Vendor ID to create AP transactions in the customer’s ERP: 

In order to properly create the AP transaction in an ERP for any approved carrier invoice, the freight carrier who the invoice is from must have a valid Vendor ID in FreightPOP that matches the Vendor ID in the ERP. TO set this it is done in the carrier credential window under the manage carrier link in the filed called. Internal Vendor ID. If this is not populated for the carrier, the invoices for this carrier will not be exported to the customer ERP to create the AP transaction.

Getting invoices into FreightPOP: 

There are four ways to get your invoices freight invoices into FreightPOP.

  • EDI: Invoices can auto be sent to our platform by the carriers via EDI. This requires a set up on the FreightPOP side as well as the carrier side. Contact your account manager for set up. 
  • Carrier Portal: You can open up portals for your carriers in which they can submit freight invoices for shipment processed in FreightPOP.
  • Manually: To manually enter an invoice you will go to the Audit page of the application, to the Pending Tab and select the date which may cover the shipment date. By default its set to 30 days but you can go back further. Then select the carrier for the invoice. Once you select the carrier you will see a list of shipment that you may not have gotten invoices for yet. Find the right one and inter the invoice amount. You can do more than one and save all the transactions
  • API: Invoices can be automatically sent to our platform by the carriers via API. This requires a set up on the FreightPOP side as well as the carrier side.

The audit matching process: 

The system audits the invoices in 2 ways. If there is a default GL account or if there is a custom logic to assigning the GL accounts, the system will assign the GL account during the system audit process

  • If invoices are entered manually: After saving the invoices, when you click the audit button one by one or you can also select to audit all. The system will compare the quote against the invoice amount and if it is with the allowed variance, the invoice will go to the approved tab. If not it will go to the not approved tab.
  • If invoices come in via EDI or via the carrier portals: All invoices that come in via EDI or the carrier portal will be audited daily at 8PM (PST). The system will compare the quote against the invoice amount and if it is with the allowed variance, the invoice will go to the approved tab. If not it will go to the not approved tab.

Export to AP transaction in your ERP/Accounting System: 

  • For those that have this feature turned on, the system will take all invoices approved that have not yet been exported and export them to the customer’s ERP daily at 2AM (PST) each morning.
  • The export for the ERP is different by customer and/or by ERP.
  • The way to identify if the AP Invoice transaction was exported for an approved invoice is if the Exported field says Yes. If its says No, the export to the AP system has not happened.

Freight Invoice Tabs Details:

Pending Tab: This tab is meant for those who are manually uploading carrier invoices. After entering them, the invoices will sit in this tab until the user selects for the system to audit them either one by one or by using the Process All button.

Recently Approved Tab:  This will hold all invoices that have been approved in the last 2 days. 

Not Approved Tab: This will hold all invoices that have not been approved. Any invoice audited no matter how it was entered, if the invoice amount does not match the quoted amount based on the “Variance Allowed for Auto Approval”, it will end up on this tab. You can tell how the invoice came in by looking at the “Uploaded By” column. This will have a user name if entered or uploaded manually. If it was submitted by the carrier using a carrier portal, it will says “Carrier Portal”. If the invoice came in from the carrier via EDI, it will say “EDI”. The important columns to look at ate the Shipment Date, Quoted Amount and the Variance. If the Shipment Date is blank and Quoted Amount is 0.00, this indicates an invoice that did not have a matching shipment. Keep in mind that the system matches an invoice to a shipment based on the tracking number on the invoice and the tracking number in the shipment inside FreightPOP.

More actions dropdown:  You can select multiple invoices to force approve even when the variance is higher than the allowed amount. This will require the password set in the Freight Invoice Audit setting.

Approve Button: This allows you force approve even when the variance is higher than the allowed amount. This will require the password set in the Freight Invoice Audit setting.

Edit Button: This will allow you to edit the GL Code, add notes and view and compare or edit the Invoice amount submitted by the carrier.


To view, compare or edit the breakdown you will need to click on the pencil icon to the right of the invoice amount field.

Shipment Button: If the system matches the invoice to a shipment, you will be able to see the shipment details here

If the system did not find a shipment to match it to, you can force link a shipment that you think is the correct one. 

The system will bring up all of the transactions by that carrier that do not have invoices linked yet. You can see a sample of this below. From here you can select a shipment to link it to.

Carrier Invoice Button: If the invoice was submitted via EDI, you can print a FreightPOP generated version in a PDF format. If the invoice was submitted via a carrier portal and the carrier uploaded a PDF invoice, you can view or print here also.

History: This tab will hold all invoices that have been received. The invoice history report can be run  by shipment date, invoice approved date, or invoice date.

Filters can be used to search more extensively.