• This feature is available to be set on the company page on the bottom left-hand side on a field called Login Type.


  • The default is FreightPOP Login. This requires the user to have a FreightPOP account and password with in the standard FreightPOP security infrastructure.
  • FreightPOP Login and SSO allows the user to use the standard login and the SSO setting also.
  • SSO will only allow users to use the Microsoft SSO login button. Currently only Microsoft SSO is supported. The email used in SSO is still required to have a FreightPOP account under that email.

When set to use SSO, in the user creation window, the fields for adding a password will be disabled. The ability to reset and forget password are also disabled.

As a work around to get the printer connector to work since it requires a password a user needs to select FP or FP and SSO. Once there they can create a password, which gets saved to the DB, and then they can switch back to full SSO. This password will be used for the printer connector.

  • For Microsoft SSO: When you click on the MICROSOFT SSO button in the login screen, you will be brought to the Microsoft credential window. If you enter an email that has an account in FreightPOP and and the account is set to Microsoft SSO, when you enter the right Microsoft credentials, you will be logged in.