Setting Up Customer/Vendor Portals

FreightPOP allows customers to create portals for Customers or Vendors. Customer/Vendor portals will have their own address book within FreightPOP and will not have access to the global address book for the main account.

There are a few steps that need to be completed for a successful setup.

  1. Add the address that will be the user's default warehouse within your address book under Settings-->Address Book.
    Enable “CUSTOMER/VENDOR” under Options. This will allow that address to show under User Warehouses in User Manager.
  2.  When creating the user, make sure to select the applicable option from the “User Type” drop down.

  3. Enable which screens will be accessible within FreightPOP. Most accounts will allow a Customer or Vendor access  to Orders, Quote/Ship, Track, and History. If the Customer or Vendor does not see one of these on their menu, it is because it has not been enabled in this setting.

  4. Choose which warehouse(s) the user should have access to in User Warehouses. Multiple selections can be made. Any address within the address book that has been enabled as a "Customer/Vendor" will appear in this menu.

  5.  Select a Default Warehouse. Addresses enabled from User Warehouses will appear here. Only one warehouse can be set as a default. This will be the user's default ship from address in FreightPOP.

  6.  Set User Visibility. Only Show Default Warehouse Shipments or Only Show User's Shipments are recommended.

Once the settings are saved the setup is complete.