Restarting FreightPOP VPN Service

If an order cannot be imported after 5 seconds, an error will be received. 

"Not able to retrieve data after waiting for 5 seconds. Please check the service installed on your server, start it and set it to start automatically. If you are still facing problem please contact us at"

This error is indicating that the VPN connector that communicates with FreightPOP and the company ERP needs to be restarted. Below are the steps to complete this process.

Note: The VPN connector is not the same as the FreightPOP connector that is used for auto printing documents and labels. The VPN connector would be installed on a local machine by the user's IT department or admin user. FreightPOP support would not have access to this location. If the machine cannot be located, please contact for assistance with reinstallation.

  • Bring up the connector under Services on the PC that it is installed on.
  • Right click on FreightPOP VPN Service and End all processes for it. Do not restart without ending all processed first.
  • Wait 20-30 seconds and then restart the FreightPOP VPN connector. Wait another 20-30 seconds for the data base to catch up and try importing your order once more.