To activate AAA Cooper in FreightPOP, you will need your web login credentials, as well as your account number and token.

To get your token, log into your AAA Cooper account. Then click into Workspace from the top module, and within the Admin Tools, select Web Services.

Check off all the services listed and click Web Service Request.







An email with your token will be sent to your email.

One you receive your token, log into FreightPOP and go to Settings > Carrier Manager. Click on the LTL tab under Carriers and select ADD next to AAA Cooper.





You will need to enter in the following information:

-Carrier Nickname

-AAA Cooper username

-AAA Cooper password

-Account ID (acct #)

  • Token (received by email)
  • Ship from zip code





Be sure to reach out to your sales rep. and request a book of electronic pros so you can load those into your carrier manager as well. Please see below link on how to load electronic pros.