Below are some common hazmat errors that may appear upon shipping and how to correct them.

Hazardous material shipping is not enabled for your account.

Parcel accounts need to be approved for hazmat use by the carrier before hazmat can be quoted and shipped in FreightPOP.

  1. The account owner would need to contact the carrier directly to enable hazmat shipping.

  2. If the error is received with a FreightPOP owned account contact FreightPOP freight support for further information.

Hazmat Contact and Number are required

When shipping a hazmat shipment a hazmat contact and phone number are required to be entered. If no contact is entered a “Hazmat Contact and Number are required.” error will be received.


  1. Enter a contact and phone number om the hazmat and emergency contact fields.

FedEx does not permit this UN Number.

Some UN IDs are service level specific and cannot be shipped with certain modes such as ground.

  1. Select the proper shipping service for the selected UN ID.

    1. UN ID information can be pulled by googling the UN ID MSDS (material safety data sheet)

 Error Occurred while creating open shipment. Invalid proper shipping name for dangerous goods commodity 1 within container 1 within package 1

The proper shipping name for the selected UN ID needs to be added or updated.

  1. Click on the Parcel DG button

  2. Enter the proper shipping name into the field labeled Proper Shipping Name.

    1. The proper shipping name can be found by googling the material safety data sheet for the UN ID.

    2. If there is more than one description, the option that best fits the item being shipped should be used. (Printing ink related material) (Printing ink, flammable)

Error Occured while creating open shipment. Package 1 - Invalid Technical name for dangerous goods commodity 1 in container 1

The technical name for the selected UN ID needs to be added or updated.

  1. Click on the Parcel DG button

  2. Enter or update the technical name into the field labeled Technical Name

    1. The proper shipping name can be found by googling the material safety data sheet for the UN ID.